
06 May 2015

TGO Challenge 2015: Kit List

It’s a monster!

I’m expecting crappy cold weather for the first week or so, so I’m carrying lots of warm clothes. And the food bag – well! The bastard weighs 2.92kg – and in real money that’s 6lbs 7ozs. I hate being hungry.

The First Aid Kit is equally massive, but quite a bit of that are meds that’ll keep me alive, so I don’t begrudge it too much…

Here it is then – slightly heavier than last years:

TGO Challenge 2015 Kit list

If you click on it, it should blow up in a new window at a super-duper size.

Right then – Time for a spot of lunch, and then it’s off to meet up with the boys and girls in the Bree Louise in Euston, before clambering aboard the sleeper to Inverness and thence onwards to Shiel Bridge.